Library, Art, Computer and Spanish


The library at St. Charles School has a collection of over 10,000 books and services students in grades kindergarten through eighth grade. In library class, students will engage in a variety of activities designed to foster a love of reading. Students have the opportunity to explore genres, authors, book-related games and activities, as well as check-out books each week. Our junior high students will also look at available research resources and have the opportunity to join our junior high book club, Cover to Cover. St. Charles Library partners with Dayton Metro Library and welcomes presentations from both their Children’s Librarian as well as their Teen Librarian. The St. Charles School library was completely renovated in the summer of 2008 by our PTO and then updated in the summer of 2023. The library hosts two Scholastic Book Fairs each year. Profits from the book fairs are used to buy new books and allows us to further update our space and resources.

Mrs. Jessica Archibald



All students at St. Charles have computer class once a week as part of their special schedule as well as integrated technology use in their regular classrooms. All grades are taught keyboarding, coding, online safety, proper use of technology and other lessons through age appropriate programs and activities. We are growing in our use of robotics and drones along with our coding programs. 

St. Charles uses a Google based learning system to support our students’ education. This includes one 28 seat computer lab, Chromebooks that are carried and used by all of our students grade 5-8 and chromebooks in 12 carts for grades 1-4.  St Charles school is proud to be  a 1 to 1 school for our grades 1-8. Kindergarten classrooms share a class set of Chromebooks that are available for their use.

Mr. John Bertke

Spanish Grades Kindergarten through 4th

As an enrichment class, Spanish is taught in grades Kindergarten through 4th grade once a week. Students learn the introduction to Spanish to build upon each year.   Our Primary Spanish Teacher is Mrs. Angy Allison.

Spanish Grades 5th through 8th

Spanish is taught twice a week with our sixth graders and everyday for seventh and eighth grade students.  In seventh and eighth combined students may test out of Spanish One and move forward to Spanish Two in High School. Mrs. Sandra O’Gorman teachers Spanish to all students in grades Kindergarten through Eighth Grade.  To contact Mrs. O’Gorman click here.