Second Grade

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Second grade at St. Charles School creates a world of learning that emphasizes development in the Catholic Faith, academic excellence, and diverse co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The way in which St. Charles School meets the individual needs of your child is unlike any other. At St. Charles School, we know that your child is still in their formative years. It is our goal that their classroom experience will nurture their relationship with God, instill a life-long love of learning and develop a positive attitude toward school.


At St. Charles School, we constantly strive for academic excellence from both our students and ourselves. Your child will receive superior academic instruction that touches mind, body and spirit.

  • Our math unit covers two-digit and three-digit addition and subtraction, as well as time, money and measurement
  • Science is a fun time to learn about animals and their habitats, insects, properties of matter and nutrition.
  • The teachers enthusiastically promote language, phonics and word development through Fundations. Cursive writing is also introduced this year.
  • Diverse co-curricular activities support and enrich formal instruction and complement the formal academic program in second grade.
  • Our weekly curriculum also includes arts, music, computers, library, physical education, body management and Spanish.
  • Through the Social Studies program students become more aware of the world around them. Our curriculum introduces the students to the community around them, our resources, a land of many people long ago and living in peace and justice.
  • Reading skills are taught in a systematic, developmental progression.  Each skill builds upon previous learning and is immediately applied and interrelated with other skills students receive guided reading instruction and independent reading time.

Catholic Faith

Your child’s faith will expand throughout the total experience of each and every day. The students prepare for the sacrament of Reconciliation and will learn about the different kinds of sin and how to ask for God’s forgiveness. The children receive First Communion in the spring, and the entire St. Charles Parish Community shares in this sacrament with the second grade students.

Mrs. Amanda Allen
email Mrs. Allen
Mrs. Kathleen Stebbins
email Mrs. Stebbins

Mrs. Shawnee Ewing Picture Coming