Faculty & Staff – St. Charles School


Mr. David Bogle- extension 111

Mr. Bogle joined our staff in 2011.
MS Educational Leadership
BA Education
email Mr. Bogle

Office Manager

Mrs. Nancy Cochran- extension 113

email Mrs. Cochran

Office Secretary

Mrs. Amanda Obringer

email the St. Charles School Office

Business Manager

Mr. Steve Morris

email Mr. Morris

Enrollment & Marketing Director

Mrs. Maggie Paxson-Collins- extension 108

Mrs. Collins joined the staff in 2009
email Mrs. Paxson-Collins

School Counselor

Mrs. Brittany Will-  (Full Time)

Mrs. Will joined our staff in 2015

B. A in Psychology and a Masters of Science in Education and Health Science (Counseling)

email Mrs. Will


Mrs. Stacy Ullmer (Full Time)

email Mrs. Ullmer

Intervention Specialist

Miss Monica Haus- (Full Time)

B.S.E. Intervention Specialist Mild-Moderate disabilities
M.S.E. Literacy
Certified Dyslexia Practitioner

Title One Teacher

Corinna Campos

– Room 123

Cafeteria Monitor- Mrs. Reenie Boecker


Mrs. Kirsten Irwin (3 year olds)- Room 105

Mrs. Lauren McAbee- Preschool 3 year old aide

 Mrs. Courtney Dieterle (3 year olds)- Room 104
Mrs. Angy Allison- Preschool 3 year old aide

Mrs. Kirsten Stearns  (4 year old)- Room 103

Mrs. Cara Grunenwald-Preschool 4 year old Aide

Mrs. Heather Olmstead (4 year old) Room 102
Eileen Volker- Preschool Aide 4 year old

Transitional Kindergarten (AM)

Mrs. Jessica Lawrence


Mrs. Kristin Wisniewski- Room 114

Mrs. Wisniewski joined staff in 2013
Bachelor of Science in Education
Masters of Science in Education

email Mrs. Wisniewski

Ms. Jennifer Marzluff- Room 119

email Ms. Marzluff

Mrs. Darcy Rodman- Room 112

Mrs. Rodman joined our staff in 2011.
MA Educational Leadership
BS Education
email Mrs. Rodman

First Grade

Room 116
Mrs. Christine Bonanno- Room 121

Mrs. Bonanno joined our staff in 1989
BS Education
email Mrs. Bonanno

Mrs. Koralina Castello

Joined our staff in 2023

Second Grade

Mrs. Amanda Allen- Room 120

Mrs. Allen joined our staff in 2017

Email Mrs. Allen

Mrs. Kathleen Stebbins- Room 118

Mrs. Stebbins joined our staff in 2016

email Mrs. Stebbins

Third Grade

Ms. Olivia Smith

Mrs. Jen Fuchs- Room 204

Fourth Grade

Mrs. Lisa Carlson- Room 203

Mrs. Carlson joined our staff in 2001.

BS in Education and Master Teacher.

email Mrs. Carlson

Ms. White- Room 201

Joined our staff 2022.

Mrs. Alyssa Yanak- Room 202

Fifth Grade

Mrs. Debbie Waker- Room 209

Mrs. Waker joined our staff in 2008
MA Middle Childhood Education
BS Education
email Mrs. Waker

Mrs. Katy Bundy- Room 207

Mrs. Bundy joined our staff in 2016
email Mrs. Bundy

Junior High- Sixth, Seventh, Eighth Grade

Mrs. Becky Mueller
(Language Arts 6 & 7 Grades) 217

Email Mrs. Mueller

Mr. Jeremy Samudio
(Social Studies 6-7-8)- Room 220

Mr. Christopher Bigelow
(Science 6-7-8)- Room 214

Mr. Bigelow joined our staff in 2019.

Email Mr. Bigelow

Mrs. Erica Prather
(Language Arts 6th

No Photo at this time.

Mrs. Emily Ann Issenmann
(Language Arts 6 & 8)- Room 216

Mrs. Issenmann joined our staff in 2016

M.A in Educations and B.S Middle Childhood Education

email Mrs. Issenmann

Mrs. Jody Boeddeker

(Math 6 -7- 8)- Room 223

Mrs. Boeddeker joined our staff in 2019

Email Mrs. Boeddeker

Mrs. Erica Prather- 6th Grade Reading

Spanish- Grades First – Eighth

Mrs. Sandra O’Gorman- Room 211

Mrs. O’Gorman joined our staff in 2004
BA Education
email Mrs. O’Gorman

Art- Grades Transitional Kindergarten – Eighth

Mrs. Karen Henry- Room 014

BS Art Education

email Mrs. Henry

Physical Education- Grades Kindergarten – Eighth

Mr. Jon Dolph- Room 403

Music- Grades Kindergarten – Eighth

Mr. Tony Ballin

My name is Tony Ballin, and I’m the new music teacher here at St Charles School.
This will be my 34th year teaching And I still judge marching bands in the Fall.
I received my undergrad at Miami University, and my masters at Earlham College in Richmond Indiana.
I have also directed many junior musicals.

Technology Coordinator- Grades Kindergarten – Eighth

Mr. John Bertke- Room 219

Mr. Bertke joined our staff in 1999
BS Education
email Mr. Bertke


Mrs. Jessica Archibald

Room- 210


Joe Elking

Mike Evans