Faculty & Staff – St. Charles School
Mr. David Bogle
Mr. Bogle joined our staff in 2011.
MS Educational Leadership
BA Education
email Mr. Bogle
Office Manager
Mrs. Nancy Cochran
FACTS and Edchoice
email Mrs. Cochran
Office Secretary
Mrs. Amanda Obringer
Joined Staff 2020
email the St. Charles School Office
Business Manager
Mr. Steve Morris
Enrollment & Marketing Director
Mrs. Maggie Paxson-Collins
Mrs. Collins joined the staff in 2009
email Mrs. Paxson-Collins
School Counselor
Mrs. Brittany Will
Mrs. Will joined our staff in 2015
B. A in Psychology and a Masters of Science in Education and Health Science (Counseling)
Mrs. Stacy Ullmer
Intervention Specialist
Mrs Monica McGough
Title One Teacher
Corrina Campos
Mrs. Campos joined our staff in 2021
Masters in Education
Cafeteria Monitors
Mrs. Reenie Boecker
Mrs. Trish Steck
Mrs. Melissa Keish
Preschool Team
Mrs. Kirsten Irwin- 3 year old lead teacher
Mrs. Brio Beckett- Preschool 3 year old aide joined our staff 2024
Mrs. Lauren McAbee- Preschool 4 year old aide
Mrs. Courtney Dieterle 3 year old lead teacher
Mrs. Angy Allison- Preschool 3 year old aide
Mrs. Kirsten Stearns 4 year old teacher
Mrs. Stearns joined our staff in 2022
BS in Elementary Education
Mrs. Cara Grunenwald-Preschool 4 year old Aide
Mrs. Heather Olmstead 4 year old teacher
Eileen Volker- Preschool Aide 4 year old
Mrs. Kerry Bruggeman- Preschool 4 year old teacher joined our staff 2024
Transitional Kindergarten
Mrs. Jessica Lawrence- Joined our staff 2024
Kindergarten Team
Mrs. Kristin Wisniewski
Ms. Jennifer Marzluff
Ms. Marzluff joined our staff in 2003
Bachelor of Science in Education and Master of Science in Education Leadership
Mrs. Darcy Rodman
Mrs. Rodman joined our staff in 2011.
MA Educational Leadership
BS Education
email Mrs. Rodman
First Grade Team
Mrs. Christine Bonanno
Mrs. Bonanno joined our staff in 1989
BS Education
email Mrs. Bonanno
Miss Madison Minchew
Joined our staff in 2021
Miss Emma Maschari joined staff 2024
Second Grade Team
Mrs. Amanda Allen
Mrs. Allen joined our staff in 2017
Mrs. Kathleen Stebbins
Mrs. Stebbins joined our staff in 2016
Mrs. Shawnee Ewing joined our staff in 2024
Third Grade Team
Ms. Olivia Smith
Joined our staff in 2023
Mrs. Jen Fuchs
Mrs. Fuchs joined our staff in 2016
BA in Psychology
Elementary Education License
Mrs. Alyssa Yanak
Mrs. Yanak Joined our staff in 2022
B.S in Education
Masters in Education
Fourth Grade Team
Mrs. Lisa Carlson
Mrs. Carlson joined our staff in 2001.
BS in Education and Master Teacher.
Mrs. Tiffany Best
Mrs. Tiffany Best
Miss Peyton Bernard
Joined our staff in 2024
Fifth Grade Team
Ms. Maria White
Miss White Joined our staff 2022
BS in Middle Childhood Education
Master’s in Middle Childhood Education
Mrs. Debbie Waker
Mrs. Waker joined our staff in 2008
MA Middle Childhood Education
BS Education
email Mrs. Waker
Mrs. Katy Bundy
Ms. Bundy joined our staff in 2016
email Mrs. Bundy
Junior High Team- Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade
Mrs. Becky Mueller
(Language Arts 6 & 7 Grades)
Mr. Jeremy Samudio
(Social Studies 6-7-8)
Mr. Christopher Bigelow
(Science 6-7-8)
Mr. Bigelow joined our staff in 2019.
Mrs. Erica Prather
Language Arts 8th grade
Mrs. Emily Ann Issenmann
(Language Arts 6 & 8)
Mrs. Issenmann joined our staff in 2016
M.A in Educations and B.S Middle Childhood Education
Mrs. Jody Boeddeker
(Math 6 -7- 8)
Mrs. Boeddeker joined our staff in 2019
Email Mrs. Boeddeker
Grades Kindergarten- Fourth
Mrs. Angy Allison
Grades Fifth – Eighth
Mrs. Sandra O’Gorman

Mrs. O’Gorman joined our staff in 2004
BA Education
email Mrs. O’Gorman
Art- Grades Kindergarten – Eighth
Mrs. Karen Henry
BS Art Education
Physical Education- Grades Kindergarten – Eighth
Mr. Jon Dolph- Room 403
Music- Grades Kindergarten – Eighth
Mr. Tony Ballin
Joined our staff in 2024
Technology Coordinator- Grades Kindergarten – Eighth
Mr. John Bertke- Room 219
Mr. Bertke joined our staff in 1999
BS Education
email Mr. Bertke
Mrs. Jessica Archibald
Joe Elking