Library and Computer


The library at St. Charles School has a collection of over 13,000 books. St. Charles School students in TK through the sixth grade come to the library for a weekly story-time and to borrow a book. Junior high students may come before or after school and as directed by their teachers. The St. Charles School School library was renovated in the summer of 2008 by the PTO. New shelving, carpet, tables and colorful walls greet the students. St. Charles School students in first through fifth grades participate in the Accelerated Reader program, and students may come daily to take a quiz and get a new “AR” book. The library hosts two Scholastic Book Fairs each year. Profits from the book fairs are used to buy new books and Accelerated Reader quizzes.


St. Charles School offers two stationary labs for computer class. All students have computer class once a week as part of their special schedule. The labs are equipped with smart boards, as are many of the classrooms. In addition, we have a mobile lab of mini-laptops which the teachers can use in their classrooms, or they can sign up for stationary lab time and bring their subject classes to the lab.

Primary students are taught basic computer skills and terms and have the opportunity to practice subject area skills. Emphasis is placed on creativity by utilizing drawing and organizational programs. Keyboarding classes start in fourth grade, with an online program that can be accessed from home. Middle grades and junior high are taught Internet safety, effective search methods and how to use /cite Internet sources to avoid plagiarism. Many subject area projects are completed in computer class throughout the year.  Junior High Students are learning coding and robotics.  Our Computers are Google based and all programs go through Google.