Getting to Know You

A sage once said, “When you’re through learning, you’re through. Period.” I challenge the sage. Life is a process of discovery and we are never completely fulfilled. Allow me to depart for a moment...

Finding the King

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany. Epiphany derives from the Greek word (epiphaneia), which means a manifestation, becoming strikingly apparent. In our modern world, it seems that every year new stars appear:...

Fully Human Like Us

I’ve always liked the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph because for me it dramatizes how fully the Holy Family and Jesus himself entered into the religious practices of ordinary...

Mary, Jesus’ First Disciple

Today’s Gospel for the Fourth Sunday of Advent is the story of the Annunciation according to St. Luke. It is a familiar story to all of us. It is a story about Mary’s astonishment...


“Rejoice always!” It is the third Sunday of Advent and the Church asks us to rejoice and be grateful as the time of our celebrating the coming of the Christ draws nearer. The third...


In the days of John the Baptist, of whom Mark writes in today’s Gospel, whenever a V.I.P. announced a visit to a town or region, legions of workers would prepare the way by clearing...