New Year’s resolutions often include improving health and fitness. It is also a great time to begin to shed any extra pandemic or holiday pounds.  A “recipe for success” includes moving and stretching regularly along with fueling your body with healthy foods.  Getting enough rest, planning healthy meals and snacks and making time for exercise will help jump start these goals!  

To start the day off, look for this recipe “Tasty Muffins Your Way!”  Also, enjoy reading the health benefits of “Walnuts” in the “Winter 2022 Food Focus” newsletter WALNUTS!  below.  “Go nuts” reading about the nutrient-packed benefits of Walnuts and creative ideas for adding them into recipes or munching them as a snack. Try the “Cranberry Walnut Coleslaw” recipe for a tasty lunch or side dish with dinner.

Courtesty of Monica Cengia, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist & Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist

Tasty Muffins Your Way!

Winter Food Focus: Walnuts

Winter Food Focus Letter

Links to Parish Health Ministries

Choices for Life: Parish Health Ministry video series

Blood Drive

Formation and Resources

Nursing Home Ministry

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Recovery International

Visitation to the Homebound

Contact parish office 937-434-6081