DIAKONIA Elizabeth Lush 937-434-6081
- Neighbor Outreach
- Social Action Committee
- Respect Life Committee
- St. Vincent Hotel Meal Program
Health Ministry Kim Adkins 937-401-0537
- Visitation to the Homebound
- Blood Drive
- Nursing Home Ministry
- Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Recovery International
Pastoral Care Chris Kreger 937-401-0423
- Christian Initiation (RCIA)
- Bereavement Team
- Homebound Eucharistic Ministers
- Welcoming Committee
Spiritual and Social Parish Office 937-434-6081
- Prayer Group
- Parish Library
- Marriage Encounter
- Chuck Wagon (Seniors group)
- Knights of Columbus
- Parish Events and Activities
Operations Steve Morris 937-401-0542
- Building and Maintenance
- Grounds and Landscaping
- Finance
School School Office 937-434-4933
- Parish Athletics