Please consider sharing your gifts and talents and joining the many others serving at the St. Charles parish. Simply click on your areas of interest and you will receive an email shortly with details on how you can get further involved.

Adult Faith Formation-Contact Faith Formation office 937-434-9272.

  • Bible Studies
  • Catholic Men’s Fellowship
  • Faith and Light
  • MOMS
  • Adult Confirmation
  • Retreats
  • Lenten Events
  • Advent/Christmas Events

Children’s Formation

Youth Ministry-Contact Faith Formation office 937-434-9272.

  • Small Group Facilitators
  • Ministry Assistants

Liturgical Ministry

  • Art & Environment
  • Eucharistic Ministers
  • Lectors
  • Ushers
  • Altar Servers
  • Greeters
  • Nursery
  • Martha Linens

Music Ministry

  • Adult Choir
  • Cantors
  • Funeral Choir
  • Instrumentalists
  • Summer Family Choir


  • Neighbor Outreach
  • Social Action Committee
  • Respect Life Committee
  • St. Vincent Hotel Meal Program

Pastoral Care

  • Bereavement
  • Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
  • Homebound Eucharistic Ministers
  • Welcoming Committee
  • Prayer Group
  • Parish Library
  • Marriage Encounter

Health Ministry

  • Visitation to the Homebound
  • Nursing Home Ministry
  • Blood Drive
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry
  • Formation and Resources
  • Recovery International

Community-Contact Parish Office 937-434-6081

  • Chuck Wagon (Senior’s Group)
  • Mom’s Group
  • Knights of Columbus
  • Parish Athletics
  • Men’s Basketball
  • Parish Events and Activities



  • Finance/Stewardship
  • VIRTUS/child protection
  • Building and Maintenance
  • Grounds and Landscaping