Enrich Your Faith & Your Life This Lent!

Join a Small Faith Group and meet weekly during Lent to: Learn about the true meaning of the Mass Better understand the rituals and symbols of the Eucharist. Discover new ways to make...

Visitation to the Homebound

These men, women, and high school students take communion to those unable to come to Mass due to age, illness, or disability. If you know of someone who would like to receive communion...

Martha Linens

This active yet contemplative ministry launders and cares for the altar linens. Participants are scheduled four to five times a year to pick up purificators, towels, and altar cloths to wash, iron, and...

Parish Life Ministries

DIAKONIA Elizabeth Lush 937-434-6081 Neighbor Outreach Social Action Committee Respect Life Committee St. Vincent Hotel Meal Program Health Ministry Kim Adkins 937-401-0537 Visitation to the Homebound Blood Drive Nursing Home Ministry Prayer Shawl...

Social Media Impact

Learn about the impact of social media on a child’s mental health and what you can do to protect your children. Featuring Rhonda Mercs, Director, and Amy Theodor, Supervising Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor...

Private: Weather Delays

Due to road conditions, on February, 13, 2020 St. Charles School opening is delayed by 2 hours. There will be no morning preschool or TK. Daycare will begin at 9:40. There will be...

Private: Men’s Morning of Reflection

Fr. Tim and Norm Rich will be hosting an engaging morning for men on Saturday, February 1. The topic is “effective ways we can communicate love to our spouse, significant others, family and...

Volunteer Day at St. Charles School!

Join our families for a day of giving! Various stations will be set up in our cafeteria to help local organizations in the area. All are welcome to help! Sunday, December 15th from...